Urticaria is the medical name for hives that occur on the surface of the skin, usually in reaction to an allergy to medicine or food. Those with urticaria often have itchy welts, as well as swelling or discomfort that is caused by the welts. There are many medical treatments that can be used for this condition, and it’s important to try to deal with the underlying allergy that leads to urticaria. Although homeopathic remedies can help to improve urticaria and its symptoms, they should not be used to replace any of the medical treatments or suggestions that are given by a doctor.
Sulphur and Natrum Muriaticum for Urticaria
Sulphur is a homeopathic remedy that should be taken for urticaria that is located on the arms, the back of the hands, the neck, the face or the legs or feet. This treatment should only be taken if the urticaria is accompanied by frequent itching that worsens throughout the night or after scratching the affected area. Urticaria sufferers who will benefit from sulphur often have itching that worsens after bathing as well.
Natrum muriaticum should be taken for urticaria lesions that are greasy and have a yellow color to them. This homeopathic remedy works best if the skin feels sore and raw and itches constantly. It is especially useful for those with urticaria that is located on the feet or on the ankles. Those who will benefit from this natrum muriaticum tend to have itching that worsens with activity or movement of the affected area.
Rhus Toxicodendron and Pulsatilla for Urticaria
Rhus toxicodendron works well for those with urticaria that is brought on by exposure to water or from harsh, cold weather. This homeopathic treatment should only be taken by those with urticaria symptoms that worsen with exposure to cold temperatures.
Pulsatilla is a homeopathic remedy that works well for those with urticaria that was brought on by any medical condition that is either gastric or uterine. It may benefit those who suffer from frequent chills or have diarrhea that accompanies their urticaria.
Urticaria is usually caused by an allergic reaction to either food or medicine. Those who suffer from urticaria and are not aware of what the cause is should seek medical attention to figure out the underlying cause. This is especially important for those who have more severe as well as frequent urticaria.